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Skincare tips from Summer to Fall: A Guide to Getting it Right!!!

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fall skin care

Fall is nearing and we are not very happy to inform you this. It’s not time to have rumpled beach hair and tanned skin as it’s a time when you can develop rashes and cracks due to dry skin. Falls bring a lot of skin problems as dryness in weather leads to lack of moisture in skin. It develops cracks and sores on our skin. To get your fall skincare rightly done and get rid of skincare problems here are few fall beauty tips for you:

Keep your skin hydrated and moisturized

  • Drink a lot of water, carry it along whenever moving out. This helps skin to rejuvenate and remain hydrated. It is one of the top fall beauty tip.
  • In falls, skin becomes dry and starts showing dry patches and at time becomes flaky. To avoid this, you need to apply a good moisturizer that suits your skin type.
  • Before going to bed, do not forget to apply some hydrant or moisturizer on your face and your body. It will help your skin recover in the night and you’ll wake up feeling fresh next morning.

Use lukewarm water and mild soaps

  • Another skincare tip this fall includes discarding hot water, though it is very tempting in cold weather, but to prevent your skin from drying up further, go for lukewarm water.
  • Use mild and creamy soaps. Do not continue with gels that you were using in summers, rather scented shower creams are advisable. It will help your body retain its moisture and will remain healthy.

Sunscreens are important in falls too

  • Use of sunscreens is one of the important fall skincare tips as sunscreen use is equally important as using moisturizers in fall.
  • If you think, sunscreens are for summers only, you are wrong. You cannot quit using sunscreens in falls. They are equally important or use moisturizers which have SPF .
  • Apply mild sunscreen with SPF 15-30. It is important to save your skin from sun, pollution and dust that you face outside your home..

Don’t forget hands and feet

Your fall skincare includes your hands and feet along with your face. These parts show up the most in this weather, so it is essential that we care for them too.

1. Hands

  • The main affected parts of the body during fall are hands. To keep your hands looking good, you should apply moisturizer every time you rinse them.
  • You need to take care of dry cuticles. Buy a heavy duty hand cream to fight dry skin of your hands before it becomes painful to treat them.

2. Feet

  • Your feet would be stuck in boots all season, so they demand extra care. Exfoliate them.
  • Scrubbing often will remove dead skin from your feet. Use oil-based scrubs.
  • Apply a nice foot cream everyday, even nights to help your feet retain moisture.

Sore lips

Another disadvantage of falls are sore lips. As fall approaches, lip care must appear on top of your fall skincare list.

  • Use petroleum based lip balms to keep your lips moisturized.
  • Before going to sleep, apply a honey wax or glycerin moisturizer to remove dead skin from your lips.
  • Unsalted butter or ‘ghee’ can work wonders on your sore lips. Apply at night and watch the change in the morning.

Fall makeup

Forget lighter shades of lips and your skin. Doing fall makeup right is another essential fall beauty tips.

  • Wear dark shades on your lips like plum, red, orange and maroon. Leave pinks, skin and other lighter shades for next summer.
  • Try smoky eye look.
  • Glitters never go out of fashion, so try using them in your fall makeup.
  • Use a mixture of glycerin and rose water for removing your makeup.

Follow the aforementioned steps to keep your skin healthy and glowing in this season. Cracks, sores, dead skin everything fails, if you includes all the above mentioned fall skincare tips.