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How many times have you looked at celebrities and thought that they never age? We all have! People put a lot of efforts or money goes to maintain a particular age. However, we know that the aging process can’t be stopped but it can be prevented for a particular duration of time. In this age of technology, there are some methods are available through which you can reverse aging process. Do you want to put a full stop on the aging...

Surprisingly, some of the beauty products can be used in ways you cannot even imagine. For instance, no shaving cream left, use conditioner to shave your legs. You can remove wrinkles from your clothes with the same iron you use for flattening your hair. Mix blush and lip gloss to get your own lip color or make your own nail color by mixing clear nail polish and eye shadow. These makeup hacks and tips with some of your beauty products...

Premature or excess wrinkles can also be caused due to factors like too much exposure to sunlight or smoking, harsh environments, excessive stress, or even sudden weight loss. Despite that skin wrinkle with age is still a natural process. But, in contrast to the rest of the body, the under-eye area being delicate is more prone to wear out faster. Anything from crying to lack of sleep can result in dark circles, facial wrinkles as well as unsightly puffiness, under the...

In the age of body positivity, many have taken part to show off their cellulite as well as stretch marks. Among them, all Amber Rose is one of them. Yes, I am talking about one of the most distinguished personalities of Hollywood. In her recent video on Instagram, she showed off her cellulite and stretch marks in order to present her love for the body. [embed][/embed] After watching the video of Amber Rose cellulite, many women might have realized that airbrushed and...

Have you ever wondered as to why are you aging fast apart from the fact that everyone else ages too? It is indeed the bitter truth of life, isn't it? Yet, nobody wants to age. How about we tell you that you do have the ability to reverse the signs of aging? Want to hold on or recapture your youth? Just give a look to the infographic by ADV Derm. We certainly kid you not! You might have heard about the various...