Christmas Calling : How to Get Perfect Skin in One Week

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how to get perfect skin

Radiant, flawless, youthful and blemish-free skin is appreciated by one and all. During this festive season with Christmas just around the corner, nothing would make your day merrier than compliments flowing from all corners for your fabulous skin. Right? But the fall season followed by holidays has made you lazy and guilty of turning your skin -dull and drab. Fortunately, you still have time to gain that glow back.

Here is How to Get Perfect Skin in time for Christmas:

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Water is the best way to hydrate your body and off course the skin which may have lost its suppleness. It’s winter time, so we all tend to drink less water than we do in other seasons because of two reasons: we don’t feel that thirsty and water sends down chilling sensation. To combat the second reason, go for lukewarm water. The hydrated body makes skin soft and drains out all the toxins, oils and debris that leads to acne or dull skin. Increase your water intake to 3-4 liters in a day to get a soft beautiful skin.

No To Smoking For The Sake Of Glowing Skin
Cigarette smoke has more than 4000 toxins, which are enough to ruin your skin and make it lose its glow. Cigarettes destroy the elastin and collagen fibers of the skin. If you have just started smoking, then you must quit it so that you don’t lose the intactness of your skin. If it is impossible for you to quit smoking, then you can at least leave it for one week and experience the good changes. I am quite sure that after seeing the results you will leave it forever.

Don’t Step Out Without Sunscreen
It’s festival time and people go out for shopping without applying sunscreen as they think winter sunshine is not as harmful as summers, which is not true. It is way more harmful than summers because UVA rays are out in full intensity, it can cause sunburns and sun spots. If you don’t want to look tanned during your festival time, then don’t step out without applying broad spectrum sunscreen. Sunscreen not only protects you from tan, but, it also protects you against UVA and UVB rays, which can damage your skin.

Try Face Packs For Instant Glowing Skin
If you find your skin lifeless and shallow and want to get a glowing skin in a week, you can prepare a face pack at home, using some common kitchen ingredients. All you need is 4 tbsp of yogurt, add 3 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 egg white. Mix them properly and apply it on a clean and dry face. Allow it to dry for 20 minutes and wash it off with warm water. It will make your skin radiate with the magical properties of yogurt and lemon.

Maintain A Healthy Skin Routine

Healthy skin should not be a choice, but it should be the priority. Intake of Vitamin C helps with cell regeneration and it keeps the skin looking young. You must include citrus fruits like oranges, kiwis and even tomatoes or bell peppers. Diet rich in antioxidants and nutrients paves way for a cleaner, clearer skin. If you want to shine out during the Christmas festivities, you can start trying vitamin E capsules a week before on your skin.

Exfoliate Your Body As Well

One of the most annoying winter skin issues – the skin covered with dead cells makes it look lifeless. In order to lift layers of dead skin, exfoliation is needed. Exfoliating removes dead cells and help your skin appear younger and brighter. As the festival is round the corner you can buy good exfoliation scrub and this time not only exfoliate your face, but exfoliate your body as well to outshine in your new dress. Exfoliation is an easy and inexpensive method and should be done on alternate days.

Isn’t it simple? Don’t hunt again with the question – “how to get a perfect skin in a week”?