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Establish an Effective Skincare Schedule to Nourish Your Skin [Infographic]

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skin care routine

If you brush your teeth twice a day, floss every evening, and head to the gym each morning before work. Such self-care programs work because you have a system. You are among those who set up some routines/plans for self care and follow that throughout and see results. Then, why should skincare be any different? Setting up a skin care schedule will surely take some of the positive outcome of the process.

Except skin type, there are some basic components to skin care that apply to everyone i.e wash, exfoliate, moisturize, extract and replenish. Setting up a skincare schedule will ensure that you’re taking favorable care of your skin. For this, you can divide your skin care needs into daily, weekly, and monthly requirements and set up a system accordingly.

Here is this info-graphic by Holland & Barrett which shows the daily, weekly and monthly skincare guide which you can adhere to and see results yourself, Have a look:

skin care routine

Hence, its clear that a good skincare routine does not mean having a series of expensive products and spending hours attending to your skin. It means caring your skin on a daily basis in such a way as to ensure that your skin gets the nourishment that it require to stay healthy.